🔍 TDI technology: Manufacturing efficiency to a new level with MABRI.VISION 🔍 MABRI.VISION stands for modular machine vision solutions and systems that rely on innovative technologies in the areas of software and hardware to make inspection processes more efficient. Let's take a closer look at TDI technology today. Matrix cameras or line scan cameras often reach their limits with very fast, high-resolution inspections, as they have a low light output with short exposure times. That is why we rely on TDI technology for our MICRO.SPECTOR and VISION.SPECTOR test systems. The TDI (Time Delay and Integration) camera technology works like a line scan camera with many consecutive lines. By integrating the light from the movement, the light output is significantly increased. As a result, we can use TDI to carry out high-resolution surface inspections of, for example, masks, wafers, injection molded parts, foils or fabrics much more quickly. Contact us to learn how our modular equipment platform for automating QC processes can increase your manufacturing efficiency.