Research project digital monitoring of cherry vinegar fly infestation

Sustainable. Effectively. At MABRI.VISION we are proud to research pioneering solutions for viticulture.

In collaboration with 3win Maschinenbau and the Rheinpfalz Rural Area Service Center, we are developing a groundbreaking monitoring system.
In the future, our app-based monitoring system can offer winegrowers the opportunity to monitor their vineyards using minicomputers and cameras via a smartphone app.

The focus is not only on increasing efficiency, but above all on environmental protection.
The current challenges in viticulture, from pest infestations to climate change, require practical solutions.

Our monitoring system should be able to offer exactly that: early detection of pests such as the cherry vinegar fly and the possibility of optimizing the use of pesticides.
Our goal is to reduce environmental impact and support wildlife conservation by helping winemakers make informed decisions and manage their vineyards more efficiently and sustainably.

If you would like to find out more about our research and its potential benefits, please contact us or visit our website. Together we can create a more sustainable future!