
On the high seas - our team event 2019

The highlight of the year for MABRI.VISION employees is undoubtedly the team event on the high seas, which took place in October 2019 to mark the company's four-year anniversary.

Our weekend together started with a car trip to Harlingen Harbor in the Netherlands, 340 kilometers away. “Lauwerszee” , was already waiting here for the MABRI.VISION crew, ready to accommodate us for the weekend.

Our skipper taught us the basic work on the “Lauwerszee”, such as setting and lowering the sails. The first course was set and took us to the nearby island of Terschelling. We docked here and spent our first evening, which started with preparing dinner together.

The next morning brought the best sailing weather, a good breakfast and a new course. We continued to the next landing point, the island of Vlieland. We started the second evening with a walk on the beach, which even attracted some brave souls into the water.

The shared activities on board, the communal cooking and eating, the long and exuberant evenings and of course a few minor seasicknesses not only brought us valuable memories as a group, but also further bonded us together.

The team says “Thank you”!

The MABRI.VISION team would like to thank you for this fantastic event and looks forward to further shared experiences.